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These renegades were led by the angel Inarius and the demon Lilith. Over the course of the Great Conflict, a number of angels and demons had grown tired of the endless war and desired a place away from the conflict. Inarius uses the Worldstone to create Sanctuary As the conflict dragged on, the Worldstone became 'poisoned' by Heaven and Hell according to Tyrael, due to their desire to control its power, altering its original nature. The fortress changed hands many times over the course of the Great Conflict, and the possession of the Worldstone alternated in turn.

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At some point, the archangel Tyrael ordered that a bastion be built around the stone, which would come to be known as the Pandemonium Fortress. Both angels and demons created worlds that reflected their nature, but all of these worlds were inherently flawed, and were doomed to wither and die. Oral history states that whichever side controlled the stone allowed it to alter reality and create life and worlds with barely any restriction. īoth Heaven and Hell sought control over the Worldstone.

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When the angels were young, Malthael was the one who discovered the Eye, and named it the Worldstone, and swore all of Heaven to protect it. It was the foundation of all places and times, a nexus of realities. The Eye of Anu originally lay in the realm of Pandemonium, the scar of the universe's violent birth from the battle between Anu and Tathamet. Diablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old BonesĢ9 September 2021 History Early History

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